Words of Encouragement

man is the supreme talisman. lack of a proper education hath, however, deprived him of that which he doth inherently possess. 1. Howard Gardner – letter to
2. Howard Gardner – response from
3. Judy Willis
4. Mel Levine – letter to
5. Mel Levine – repsonse from

Tel. 011 576 313 0093
Cel. 011 57 313 304 6587
MagicJack tel. 260 624 9747 (Indiana)
email: kbookwalter@gmail.com
Skype name: kbookwalter
William Keith Bookwalter, Ph.D.
Calle 93 #28-60, Casa 7-2
Condominio Bulevar de las Villas
Pereira, Risaralda