The Ebook

man is the supreme talisman. lack of a proper education hath, however, deprived him of that which he doth inherently possess.

"Human beings differ profoundly in regard to the tendency to view their lives as a whole. To some it is natural to do so, and essential to happiness. . . . To others life is a series of detached incidents without directed movement and without unity. The habit of viewing life as a whole is an essential part of wisdom . . . and is one of the things which ought to be encouraged in education. Consistent purpose is not enough to make life happy, but it is almost an indispensable condition of a happy life.”
--Bertrand Russell, The Conquest of Happiness(1930)

"When you are afraid, when you do not have enough energy, when you either fear that you cannot create things with your hands or that you cannot create things with your mind, when you feel that you do not really have a deep knowledge of the universe, you should go to the Center of the Medicine Wheel and ask for the help that you need. When you are not quite sure what your spiritual values are or you feel the need for change or when you desire an initiation into a different way of seeing life, at all of these times you should go to the Center of the Medicine Wheel, to the Creator."
-- Sun Bear, Dancing with the Wheel, (1991)

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William Keith Bookwalter, Ph.D.
Calle 93 #28-60, Casa 7-2
Condominio Bulevar de las Villas
Pereira, Risaralda